Nepali language resources updated

March 26th update:

a friend shared with me the Nepali Language Resource from Cornell’s program.  It looks really good.

This entry will be brief.

I have dusted off my Nepali language book Teach Yourself Nepali by Hutt and Subedi. I also own the two CDs that accompany it, and a couple of years ago I ripped these into mp3 files so as to have them on my Blackberry.

I know there are other books out there. that is the one I have.


I handmade a set of flashcards in 2006 when i was learning the language before my very first trip. It was laborious but paid off. Flashcards are an old learning tool. Gotta have ’em!

This past week I found a site that includes flashcards to accompany the  book. It is titled flashcards dot com, and somebody took the time to enter all the flashcards, chapter-by-chapter, to enhance your ability to read Devanagari, the syllabary (not to be confused with an alphabet!) for Nepali. the site is set up extremely well, which is more than I can say for the set of audio tracks to accompany the book.

Even to read just a little bit of Nepali is a big asset.

Okay, so they wrote the name in English as well, since this wa sin a tourist town. but look on the window and you will see what the main menu items are.

Okay, so they wrote the name in English as well, since this wa sin a tourist town. but look on the window and you will see what the main menu items are.

About Joe Niemczura, RN, MS

These blogs, and my books, and videos are written on the principle that any person embarking on something similar to what I do will gain more preparation than I first had, by reading them. I have fifteen years of USA nursing faculty background. Add to it fifteen more devoted to adult critical care. In Nepal, I started teaching critical care skills in 2011. I figure out what they need to know in a Nepali practice setting. Then I teach it in a culturally appropriate way so that the boots-on-the-ground people will use it. One theme of my work has been collective culture and how it manifests itself in anger. Because this was a problem I incorporated elements of "situational awareness" training from the beginning, in 2011.
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1 Response to Nepali language resources updated

  1. Pingback: How a doctor or nurse can prepare for a medical volunteer trip to Nepal since the April 2015 earthquake. | CCNEPal 2015

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